Moving with a toddler can be challenging. From packing to unpacking, it’s easy for parents to feel like they’re in over their heads! However, with the proper preparation and planning, moving with a toddler doesn’t have to be so daunting. In this blog post, we’ll share ten tips for relocating with toddlers that will help make your move go smoothly.

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Don’t Pack Anything That Isn’t a Necessity
You want to make a move as easy and stress-free as possible, so packing up all your unnecessary stuff will only add pressure on you during this time!
Make Sure Everything Is Accessible For Your Child
When it comes to kids’ rooms, you’ll want to make sure that everything is at their height. For the pack-up phase, this means not packing anything above your child’s reach!
Try Preparing Activities For Kids Before Moving In Starts
It can be easy for parents to focus on bringing all their belongings over and getting settled into a new house when it’s time to move in. However, toddlers are still young and will need your attention!
Pack Some Of Your Child’s Favorite Toys Ahead of Time
You’ll want them on hand for the first few days after moving into a new house. This is especially true if you’re traveling somewhere far from home before moving into your new house.
Pack Some Of Your Child’s Favorite Books Before Moving Starts.
If you’re transitioning from one home to another, it can be easy for parents and children alike to feel a little homesick! To ease into the transition, have their favorite books on hand, so they don’t forget what it feels like to be at home.
Let Your Child Help Packing
They’ll have fun being involved in the packing process, and it will teach them how to be more independent as they get older, an excellent lesson for any young toddler! Just remember that if their bedroom stuff is packed away, then it’s time for them to go to bed!
Have a Moving Checklist Prepared For Your Family
This list should include everything that needs to be done before, during, and after the move, including planning out where everyone will sleep in their new home! You’ll want this list on hand so you can ensure nothing is forgotten or overlooked as you get settled in. Get a professional moving company to handle the move, Allied Van Lines Canada is an expert in home relocations.
Keep Your Child Active After The Move
Just as you want to keep them occupied so they don’t feel homesick during a transition, you also need to make sure they stay active and healthy! With all of their new toys around, they’ll have lots of fun exploring their room, and then it’s time for dinner!
Make Sure Your Child’s Room Is Decorated Before Moving
This way, you can make the transition from one house to another feel like it will be a smooth and easy process! Kids love having their rooms decorated with things they enjoy (like family photographs), so this move-in tip won’t cost you a thing!
Have Your Child’s Favorite Toys And Books Around
It can be challenging for kids to adjust to new surroundings, so you want them as comfortable as possible. With their favorite things close at hand, they’ll feel more like home than ever before, and it will help ease any homesickness.
In conclusion, make sure to pack enough toys for your little one. Even if they are not in the vehicle, having favorite items will help ease anxiety when you arrive at your new destination. If possible, ask family and friends to send pictures of their home to be familiar when arriving. As much as this sounds like a lot of work, planning and packing strategically will help reduce the stress for everyone.