
Easy Ways to get Creative With the Family


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It’s that time of year when the weather is crummy outside and it’s hard to keep the kids entertained in the home. What better way to engage their minds and creative talents than with fun activities for all the family. Read on for some creative inspiration for the winter months. 

Make a creative space 

When it comes to interior design we’re very good at identifying the needs of the home. Everyone needs a home office these days, everyone needs a gym, but what about a creative space. Without a dedicated creative space, you will have to double your living room up. 

Creativity can get messy especially when you have young children using paints; still, the creativity of your family is so important. It’s important for mental and emotional development as well as just having some fun. Making a creative space in your home is an excellent idea.   

Build a fort 

It’s the weekend and you and the kids are bored. They’re bored because you’ve enacted all the best movies on Netflix and you’ve run out of ideas for imaginative games with the toys. Now is the best time to build a fort to spend the weekend enjoying treats and some TV time.  

Building a fort is a fun and creative way to entertain the family on the weekend. All you need is a few chairs and some sheets that can cover the chairs and make a cozy space. Overall, you don’t need much, just a sense of fun and your imagination – don’t forget the snacks. 

Make jewelry 

Both children and adults enjoy making jewelry, some people even take it a step further and sell their jewelry on online marketplaces or use the craft to lead them into more serious artistic pursuits. Making jewelry is both fun and constructive, so what have you got to lose? 

If you’re interested in learning how to make jewelry why not take a class in jewelry making, there are plenty to choose from online and they can even mail you the items you need to make the projects. If you prefer a more hands-on approach then consider a face-to-face workshop.   

Art workshops 

Art workshops come in all shapes and sizes, one of the best ways to find a new creative pursuit is through art therapy classes. While art therapy is mostly designed for people recovering from trauma and life setbacks they are also a great way to try something new without any pressure. 

That said, if you do need some therapy for your life situation art therapy classes are also a perfect match. In an art therapy class, you can redirect your attention to the issue and work with it on a deeper level. Consider seasoned injury lawyers to help you get some compensation.

Paint things 

Painting things is an excellent way to get creative with your family. Whether it’s eggs or clay pots painting things is a chance to get out the paints and make a mess – let’s face it, that’s what it’s really all about! But there’s method to the madness, painting things is both fun and creative.

Sometimes it’s fun just to go at it and paint things randomly to see what happens, other times, it’s a good idea to set a theme to give your children something to work with. A theme works a little bit like a painting by numbers, giving them some perimeters for their painting efforts.    

Collect things 

There’s nothing better than emptying out a large bucket of buttons, string, paper rolls, felt, and another randomness and then set to work on a creative project. This creative pursuit for the family challenges them to think about an idea and create it using random objects. 

But there’s another benefit to this activity, it means you can spend the rest of the time looking for random objects to include in the big bucket. Collecting things is a fun way to spend your time and a way to occupy the minds of your children when you see they’re starting to get a bit bored.  

Make tie-dye t-shirts 

Tie-dye t-shirts might have had their moment in the sun a long time ago but that hasn’t stopped them from sticking around and making their presence felt in the summer months. And, there’s a reason tie-dye t-shirt making is so good for the family, it’s easy, creative, and enjoyable. 

To make tie-dye t-shirts you will need a plain white t-shirt and basin of various dyes that you can buy online or from a hardware store. Put the colors you want in the basin and submerge the t-shirt, take it out and wring it then hang it up to dry. Voila, an instant color explosion.  

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