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If your home was built before the end of the last century, there is a distinct chance that it is not the most efficient home in terms of its impact on the environment, and it’s energy costs. These are no doubt two things that should be on your mind as a homeowner, and as the world struggles to make its climate change targets, we all need to do our bit to help out. Saving the world really can start at home.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can improve these things in your home, and with a little bit of investment now, you will be able to not only save money in the long run, but you will also be reducing your carbon footprint forever.
Stop The Loss
One thing to consider when it comes to fuel efficiency is where are you losing the heat. It may be that your windows are not the most efficient and this can be a major source of heat loss in your home. Think about getting your windows and doors replaced by professionals to ensure that you have greater heat retention in your home.
The other area that you may be losing heat in your home is through your roof. This may mean that you need to get your attic insulated.
If you have an older property you may need to look at having your home rewired. The demands we put on the wiring and fuseboxes of homes that were built decades ago is unreal. We have never owned so many electrical items.
Consider getting your home rewired, having a new fusebox fitted, and also getting more plug sockets and UBB charging outlets added. This will not only allow you to meet the demands of your home in terms of technology, but it will also ensure that you have safe and more efficient power usage in your home.
Switching Suppliers
A massive way that you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint would be to change your energy supplier. Many of the major suppliers are still heavily reliant on fossil fuels, and while there may be some changes in this area coming from a number of different companies, overall change seems slow. By switching to a new greener company that provides 100% renewable energy, then you will be vastly reducing the ecological damage that your home was causing. You may well find that the power supplied to you by your new renewable energy provider is not only cleaner, but it is cheaper. There are many great companies out there and often they are causing some positive disruption within that industry.
Switch It Off
We live in a society on standby. All of our technology is primed and ready to receive. But we often leave things plugged in and turned on when we really should not be. While they may not be using much power in this state, they are still contributing to your overall consumption. And, by turning off any switch that is not in use you could make considerable savings.