
What Services Will Save Your Sanity?


When you’re trying to keep a busy house going, it’s safe to say that you’re always going to want to make life easier for yourself. As a mama, you’re busy and there’s a lot on your plate. You’ll have you family to look after, and then you’ve got the house, you may also have work, and of course, your health and a social life too. It’s a lot to handle. So, anything that you can do to make this all feel that much easier will be great fun. You just have to think about what you can do to try and balance everything else. One of the things that you should always think about, is the services that may be beneficial. Here are some that could be a huge saviour for you.

A Housekeeper

To start with, you may find that you want to find a housekeeper that will help you to keep the house clean. It doesn’t have to be daily, and it doesn’t even have to be a live-in service. Just once a week could really make a difference to your life. You could even look for a laundry service to help you here too.

Specialist Cleaners

But sometimes, you don’t always have the services you need from you housekeeper. Maybe they will do things like cleaning the oven or the carpet, but that’s all. And you can’t always expect too much from them. But, you may need to hire a roof cleaning service or pest control at some point, so you will want to know what contacts you have for this. It’ll be great to know you won’t have to do these tasks yourself.

A Gardener

It’s the same with the garden. Maybe you don’t have enough time to get out there regularly or to mow the lawn? When that’s the case, you may want to get a gardener to help you – especially in the summer. So that this is no longer something that you have to worry about.


From here, you may also find that you need to get a babysitter or two too. And not just one, but a range. If you know that you may need help after school one day, or for an evening, or even for a weekend, you may need to rely on a few different people for different roles. And we all know that finding a babysitter can be hard, but you do need to think about having a range so that aren’t going to be let down at any time.

A Dog Walker

If you have a dog, then you’re going to know just how much work they can be. You may find yourself needed to walk him or her for miles each day. However, you may not always have the time. Sure, it can be nice to take the dog out for long walks on the weekend as a family – but what about in the week? Hiring a dog walker could really save you here and allow you to get the dog covered, along with everything else.


Locked Out: How To Deal With Key Emergencies


Image Credit License CC0 

Losing your keys can be a very stressful time. When you can’t get into your home or your car, it can be crushing. Being locked out of everything that you own can send you into a state of panic. However, there are always ways of dealing with a situation such as this. 

If You’ve Lost Your Keys And You Have No Spare

Changing your locks can be a costly affair. You will be worried that once a locksmith has managed to open your door, you’ll need to replace the lock in order to be able to get back into the house again. Don’t worry; a locksmith or locksmith kanata can often make you a new key for your lock without another to copy from. 

Locked Out Of Your Car With The Engine Running

If you’ve been locked out of your car, you have a couple of different options when it comes to getting back into it, depending on your circumstances.

If you have ever had that heart-sinking feeling; it’s snowing out, you’ve just started the engine to warm it up, and then got out to clear the ice or snow from your windshield. And then, disaster. The door swings shut, and you are locked out. Your engine is burning through your fuel, and you are left out in the cold. 

The first thing you need to know is that you can get into your car again. Keep calm, and if you have breakdown cover, then you will be able to use this service. Your insurance company may also be able to help. Another option would be to call a licensed, professional locksmith. 

A wedge can be used between the door and the body of the car. And then a thin metal rod can be slid through the gap, and right down into the body of the door to the auto-lock. 

You will need to make sure you get a professional to do this, as your insurance company would not cover any damage that you caused in doing so. 

If Your Car Key Stops Working

If for any reason you find that your car key no longer works in the lock, do not force it, as it may snap. This will make it much harder to repair. Instead, make a call to a locksmith, a breakdown firm, or your insurance company. Having this dealt with professionally will make sure there is no damage done to your vehicle. 

You may be tempted to use WD40 to try to loosen the lock. However, you should avoid using this as it can become sticky over time, and will end up jamming up your lock in the long term. 

If You Lose Your Car Keys All Together

If you have completely lost your keys, a locksmith that can provide replacement keys for most major makes and models of cars. They will also be able to reprogram your vehicle so that if found, your old key will no longer work. 

Check more great posts at the Kamfy Living section of the blog.


Ways To Keep Your Family Happy and Healthy All Year Round


Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

Your family means everything to you. It is only natural that you would want to safeguard them as much as you can and protect them from illness and discomfort. However, there is a lot that you can do, which many forget about regularly.

They often forget that they can do a lot to keep their families happy and healthy all year round, but thankfully we have some tips and tricks available for you.

Serve healthy meals

One of the best things that you can do for the family is to make sure that healthy meals are served wherever possible. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to make sure that you are giving people the best possible food, and it means that they will be overall a lot healthier than before. The emphasis is on making sure that you cook food that is free of processed items and saturated fats – both of which can be damaging. Instead, try and focus on giving people something like fresh vegetables and meat, because they’re healthier food.

Be proactive

If you want to ensure the health and comfort of your family, you need to be proactive in how you live. Make sure that you have a plan to deal with every instance. Invest in effective bed bug treatments, make sure that the home is clean and tidy – these are all things that mean you’re looking after the people in your home. This is so important for the most prosperous family environment. 

Encourage hobbies to boost confidence levels

Hobbies are essential for making sure that your child grows up to have a different series of pursuits. You will naturally want to encourage their intellectual endeavours, physical hobbies and anything else that they wish to pursue.

Therefore, if your child comes to you and says that they want to try and learn a musical instrument, hear them out. Don’t just dismiss it out of hand, but instead see how it can be implemented. You’ll see that they are much happier once they have had a go and noticed that it could be everything that they need it to be.  

Spend time together

The best way to ensure that you are getting the most from your time with your family and that they remain happy is to make sure that you are spending time with them. A lot of families find themselves separated by the technology in their lives, and so it can be crucial to make sure that you are putting down the phones every now and then and figure out what you want to do with your family. Go outside for a day or do something as a family. The thing that you have to remember is that when it comes to enjoying yourself, there’s a lot of different options you can pick from. It’s essential to do something that the whole family will enjoy, and focus on giving them an experience which will make them all happy and keep spirits up.