
The Moving Home CHecklist


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Moving home comes hand in hand with endless tasks that you need to complete. This is pretty understandable. At the end of the day, you’re shifting your entire life and everything you own between one place and another, so the process is bound to be associated with stress and hard work. The good news is that you’re moving for a reason and, once you’re in your new home and all settled in, you’ll experience the benefits. With so much to take into consideration, it can be easy to forget things, so here’s a short checklist of things to do before and during your move!

Secure Moving Dates

Make sure that you’re very clear on your moving dates. Sometimes, there will be a crossover between the day you move out of your current property and the day you move into your new property. You need to make sure that you arrange storage services if you find yourselves between homes with nowhere to leave things. If the move out and move in is on the same day, you’re going to have to make sure that the move is very efficient. If there’s a point where you have keys to both properties for a few days, this is ideal and reduces pressure, as it gives you more time to actually move.


Decluttering before packing is important. We’re all guilty of having a host of items we neither want nor need, and there’s no use lugging them with you into your new home. Take a look at everything you own and determine whether it should really come with you or not. For the items that don’t make the cut, you may want to consider selling on online platforms, selling at carboot sales, giving them to friends or family who may want them, donating them to charity stores or recycling them.

Hire Removal Services

Hire removal services like SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc. well in advance of your moving date to make sure that you have someone to help get your belongings from your old home to your new home. You don’t want to leave things last minute and find yourself without a removal van and assistance. Professional removal services take the hard work from your hands and allow you to focus on unpacking and settling your family in, rather than doing endless trips back and forth in a smaller vehicle of your own.

Redirect Your Post

Chances are, all of your physical post is currently registered to be delivered to your current address – the address that you’re moving out of. Once you’ve left this property, you’re not going to receive anything that goes to this address, so it’s important to redirect your post before leaving. Take some time to go through all of your online accounts and update your address. This can include your bank accounts, your finance agreements, your bills and more. You can also make use of a post redirection service that can automatically redirect any outliers to your new address, ensuring you get all of the correspondence that is meant for you.

Hopefully, some of these home move essentials will make their way onto your own checklist!


Four Home Improvements That Will Protect Your Home


Whether it took you some time to get comfy in your new home or to save up enough money to pay for the deposit – your home is likely one of your most prized assets. As a result, it’s important that you find ways to protect it where possible – whether that be through installing security systems or finding ways to reduce the impact of severe weather conditions. Both of these precautions (and more) will ensure that you can enjoy your home for years to come.  

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

With this in mind, here are four home improvements that will help you protect your home. 

  • Installing impact windows in your home.  If you live in an area where storms are a common occurrence, you may want to install Impact Windows. These windows are stronger and more durable than typical glass window panes, due to the fact that they are double-laminated, meaning they’re less likely to shatter on impact. As a result, installing impact windows is a great way to weatherproof your property, as you will not have to worry about them getting damaged (or smashed) during storms or similar weather conditions. Remember, not only are smashed windows a huge health and safety hazard, but they can be incredibly expensive to replace. 
  • Fixing damaged door frames. Cracks or gaps in the framing around your doors (and windows) are more than just an aesthetic issue. Firstly, they could allow cold air to enter your home, while also serving as an entryway for pests, bugs, and insects. They could also make you more vulnerable to theft, as it could mean that “the door may not close all the way, in which case a would-be intruder could potentially pry the door up.” Thankfully, minor cracks can be repaired with some simple DIY as you simply need to fill them in with over-the-counter products such as caulk. 
  • Installing video doorbells. Footage from video monitoring systems like ring doorbells often goes viral – especially if people are heading home from a night out with friends or trying their best to be entertaining for the camera. However, more than a way to make you laugh, these systems can be a great way to keep your home safe. This is because they will provide useful evidence should someone try to break into your property. In many cases, they also act as a deterrent for crime as the perpetrator is aware that they are being filmed and there is plenty of evidence mounting against them. 
  • Carrying out regular maintenance. Carrying out regular maintenance on both the interior and exterior of your home is the most effective method you can employ when it comes to protecting your property for the future. This is because it encourages you to tackle issues as soon as they arise, as opposed to allowing them to develop – resulting in more complex or costly repairs. For example, you may uncover a blocked or damaged pipe quicker, before it begins to present a flooding risk or blocks your access to heat and hot water. 

6 Methods To Being a Calmner Parent


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We’ve all been there. There are times when we feel like everything is just too much to deal with and we can’t help going over the edge. The toughest thing about being a parent sometimes is that our emotions start to cloud our judgment. This is why we got to actively practice being calmer. What are the best ways to do this?

Make Time to Be Calm

We can all benefit from regular practice that helps us feel that we can do better. Taking that time is not just going to ensure that we step away from the situation, but having the right tool is something that we can keep going back to if it all becomes too much. Some people use Delta 9 THC gummies But others use visualization, and others just need to take 5 deep breaths. Making that time to be calm amidst the chaos allows you an emotional and psychological crutch.

Remember the Consequences of Anger

When we are stuck in the moment, we can easily start to feel like life is unravelling. When we get frustrated it can feel like a release at that moment, but we’ve got to remember the consequences of that anger over the long term. If you had parents that were angry, you will no doubt remember a lot of those situations like it was yesterday. We’ve got to put ourselves in our child’s shoes. When we think about what the consequences can be calm and not just in the moment, but years down the line, it can help us to regain that sense of perspective.

Take Time Out

There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking time out. So many of us think that we’ve got to keep going because there are not enough hours in the day. The reality is that if you are someone who blocks time into specific chunks and you think it takes X amount of time to do a certain job, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the duties. Having an adult timeout is a very good practice because it allows you to step away from the situation so you can decompress. Taking time out, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes, allows you that headspace to come to your senses. There are times when we feel we cannot separate from the situation for whatever reason. In these situations, you’ve got to gauge whether it is safe for you to do so and if it isn’t right then, you set aside some time later on. This way you’ve got something to look forward to if it feels like it’s too much to bear.

Don’t Argue With Your Child

If we feel frustrated it can be so easy for us to start disagreeing with our children, especially if they’re at the point where they are prone to arguing with a younger sibling. Sometimes we have got to let our children be wrong. And when we are in a position where children feel like they need to be right all the time, it can benefit everyone just to say nothing. Because we have to remember that arguing is only going to fuel the fire. If we want to feel calmer in ourselves, we should never stoke the fires.

Consider Why You’re Angry

Many parents are angry because they have to work all the time, but others may find that they are angry because of a number of deep-rooted issues. Sometimes, we can just be angry because we’ve got so many pressures in our lives. When we start to think about why we’re angry we can have a renewed sense of perspective. Sometimes understanding that we are angry can make us realize just how out of character this is. Some people have anger problems, but others just feel like their buttons have been pushed constantly. We all need outlets for anger, but understanding why you are angry in the first place can help defuse a situation because we can learn to rise above it.

Think About the Bigger Picture 

Being angry is about something that happens in a moment. There are going to be hundreds of thousands of moments between now and the time your children grow up. There are going to be instances in life where we feel like we’ve got to get away, but we also can feel guilty that we are frustrated. Thinking about the bigger picture is crucial. When you feel like things are too much you can start to focus on your own goals and give yourself a reality check.